Learn About the Ancient Ways

Beginning a path with the faith of Ásatrú requires not only a spiritual calling to the gods, but also a significant amount of reading to learn the lore that we hold so dear. This page provides resources to help you start on your journey.

a bunch of wood pieces sitting on top of a pile of feathers

Suggested Reading

The books listed below will give you a good overview of the faith of Ásatrú.

The Heathen Handbook
by Woden’s Folk Kindred


A Practical Heathen’s Guide to Ásatrú
by Patricia Lafayllve


The Viking Spirit: An Introduction to Norse Mythology and Religion
By Daniel McCoy


These next books are more advanced and will give you much more detail into the lore and beliefs of Ásatrú

The Poetic Edda
by Lee M. Hollander


The Prose Edda
by Snorri Sturluson


The Sagas of the Icelanders
by Robert Kellogg


Gesta Danorum - Deeds of the Danes
by Saxo Grammaticus
